Designated Special Education Private School
Designated Special Education Private School (DSEPS)
A private/independent school that has as a primary mandate to provide programming and services for students with special needs, as defined for the purposes of the TSP, may apply for designation status. To do so, the following requirements must be met:
The school must have been in operation for at least one year and employ only teaching staff who hold a teacher's certificate issued by the Minister of Education, with demonstrated qualifications or competencies to teach students with special needs;
The school follows the Nova Scotia Public School Program (PSP);
The school has rules and procedures related to students' conduct and behavior that incorporate the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness and accord with the policies and procedures made by the Minister;
The school must be solvent, maintain the financial security required by the Minister and a fidelity bond and general liability insurance;
The school must have measures in place to protect student and staff from harm;
The school is not affiliated with a religious faith or denomination and is either recognized as a non-profit organization or a charitable organization.
For details regarding the application process and detailed designation requirements, please contact us at 902-424-4576.
Ongoing obligations of a DSEPS
Designation is valid for two years and may be renewed if school demonstrates on-going meeting of their obligations.
DSEPS must report annually to the Minister proof of compliance with the regulations and on student progress related to their Adaptations or Individual Program Plan;
DSEPS must meet with the funded student's school board at least two times during the school year to report on student progress and transition plans;
DSEPS must conduct provincial assessments and examinations at the request of the Minister;
DSEPS must develop transition plans for all funded students who are leaving to pursue their studies in the public system, post-secondary education or through employment.
Current DSEPS
Bridgeway Academy
3 Valleyford Avenue
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
(Locations in Dartmouth, Truro, Stellarton)
Churchill Academy
5 Crichton Avenue
Dartmouth, Nova Scotia
Landmark East School
708 Main Street
Wolfville, Nova Scotia